

We know that specialty drugs can be complicated. That is why we provide you with the highest level of custom care. 确保你得到指导, 清晰, and peace of mind to man年龄 your condition well and 生活 a healthier, 快乐的生活. 我们的...


Welcome to our Community Resource Guide for Social Determinants of Health. This practical tool aims to connect patients with local resources to address the root causes of health disparities. Social determinants of health encompass the conditions in which people are born, 成长, 生活, 工作和...


The 圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统 癫痫中心 is comprised of a board-certified epileptologist, 癫痫病住院监测组, 门诊, 住院病人和门诊病人神经生理学, neuropsychologists and advanced imaging capabilities that all come together to provide advanced seizure and epilepsy care. 什么是癫痫? 癫痫是一种...


在圣弗朗西斯医疗系统, we are guided by the Ethical and Religious Directives (ERDs) of Catholic Health Care Services. These directives are founded on the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church and, 通过扩展, on the deliberations of the Magisterium, 教会法及...


医疗保健来找你! 移动健康, Saint Francis's 45' mobile healthcare coach, houses a state-of-the-art 3D mammography unit as its primary service offering. 移动健康 will travel the region 45-50 weeks of the year, removing barriers to care and ensuring residents across southeast Missouri have...

初级护理 in Cape Girardeau and Jackson

我们的 primary care doctors in Cape Girardeau and Jackson get to know your history, your story and provide personalized care for the whole you — mind, 身体和精神. When you are sick, you do not have to wait to get the care you need. 我们的...

初级护理 in Poplar Bluff, Piedmont and Dexter

我们的 primary care doctors in Poplar Bluff, Piedmont and Dexter get to know your history, your story and provide personalized care for the whole you — mind, 身体和精神. When you are sick, you do not have to wait to get the care you need....


Every person is at risk for cancer, and each person's risk is different. Many factors affect a person’s cancer risk, 包括遗传学, 性别, 年龄, 家族史和其他. Most cancer occurs by chance, or may be related to lifestyle choices like smoking, not exercising or...

General Radiology Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题解答)

什么是x光?What radiologic procedures are available?测试是如何进行的?如何准备考试?考试的感觉如何?Are there any risks associated with X-rays?我什么时候能知道结果? 什么是x光? X-ray imaging is perhaps the most commonly known form of diagnostic...

Ultrasound Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题解答)

什么是超声波?什么是多普勒超声?Why has my doctor recommended an ultrasound?考试会是什么样的?考试要花多长时间?我什么时候能知道结果? 什么是超声波? Ultrasound utilizes sound waves to obtain a medical im年龄 or picture of various organs...

Nuclear Medicine Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题解答)

是什么 Nuclear Cardiac Scanning (Stress Testing)?核扫描能告诉我什么?我什么时候能知道结果? 是什么 Nuclear Cardiac Scanning (Stress Testing)? 心脏核成像, 也被称为核压力测试, is a type of imaging that shows the flow of blood through a...

Magnetic Resonance (MRI) Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题解答)

什么是核磁共振?核磁共振成像是如何工作的?How is an MRI different than other imaging?核磁共振成像通常用于什么?核磁共振对我来说是安全的选择吗?我该如何准备考试?我还能指望什么呢??我什么时候能知道结果? 什么是核磁共振? MR或...

Digital Mammography Frequently Asked Questions (常见问题解答)

什么是数码乳房x光检查? A digital mammogram is a low-dose X-ray exam of the breast that aids in the early detection of breast cancer. 它提供了令人难以置信的锐利, clear im年龄s that are instantly seen by the technologist to ensure a high-quality picture. 认真学习是...


是什么 the sacroiliac joint (SI Joint)? 骶髂, 或如果, joints are joints between the pelvic bones and the base of the spine, 或骶骨. They are located in the lower back on each side where most people have a dimple in the skin. 不像...

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair (TMVR)

什么是二尖瓣返流? Mitral regurgitation (MR) is the leak年龄 of blood backward through the mitral valve each time the heart contracts. 当这种情况发生时, patients can experience significant shortness of breath and their activity tolerance may be greatly reduced. MitraClip MitraClip设备 圣弗朗西斯医疗保健系统 offers the...

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

什么是TAVR? Transcatheter aortic valve replacement, 或TAVR, is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure which repairs the valve without removing the old, 损坏的阀. Instead, a replacement valve is wedged into the aortic valve's place. TAVR是如何工作的? Somewhat similar to a stent placed in an artery,...


卓越的心脏护理 When it comes to your heart, you deserve the best. With its multidisciplinary team of talented cardiologists, 心脏外科医生, 专家和专职协调员, the 心脏瓣膜中心 at Saint Francis Medical Center offers the most advanced treatments for heart valve disease. 协调护理...

WATCHMAN: A One-Time Implant that Helps Reduce AFib Stroke Risk

心房颤动是如何增加中风风险的? More than 90% of stroke-causing clots that come from the heart are formed in the LAA. The aver年龄 person with atrial fibrillation (also called AFib or AF) is five times more likely to have a stroke than someone with a regular...